Freedom in Christ Course
Discussion questions for Session 3 The world's view of truth
Pause for thought or breakout room 1
Discussion questions for Session 3 The world's view of truth
Pause for thought or breakout room 1
- In what ways has the world tried to make you feel insignificant, insecure, and unloved?
- In what ways has the world promised you significance, security, and acceptance?
Do you recognize these "false formulas"?:
Performance + accomplishments = significance
Status + recognition = security
Appearance + admiration = acceptance - How can you counteract "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:15-17)?
- How different would your worldview be if you had grown up in another part of the world or at a different time?
- I what ways do you identify with one of the worldviews (western, non-western, post-modern, biblical) discussed here?
- When we talk to people about Jesus' claim to be the only way to God, how can we not come across as arrogant?
- Spend some time in prayer throwing out your old worldview and choosing to see the world as God says it actually is.
- You might find it helpful to say: I renounce the lie of [my old false belief] and I announce the truth [from God's Word], for example:
- I renounce the lie that the unseen spiritual world is not real and I announce the truth that it is just as real as the physical world that we can see
- I renounce the lie that financial success brings real security and I announce the truth that I am already perfectly secure because no one can snatch me out of God's hand (John 10:28)
- I renounce the lie that I should be worried that someone may have cursed me and I announce the truth that I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms far above all other spiritual powers (Ephesians 2:6)